Dalgety Bay Weather: As at 9:30 am on 01 April 2020
Here’s the weather for Wednesday
With a high of 11°C and a low of 6°C.
With a high of 11°C and a low of 6°C.
Sunny intervals until 11:05 am. Then cloudy for the rest of the morning.
In the afternoon there is light and heavy cloud in the sky.
While in the evening, just before the close of play, there are sunny intervals. This is followed by a partially cloud-filled evening sky.
Wind: Westerly until mid-evening. Then West South Westerly until just before midnight when the wind returns to a Westerly.
Speed: 10-(16)-19-(16)-15 mph
Gusts: 19-(26)-32-(28)-25-(28) mph
Risks: Winds over 30 mph from 1:55 pm until 5:05 pm making it difficult for pedestrians to walk. Risk of random surprise rainfall throughout the day and showers in the evening/overnight.
That is it from me, have a Wonderful Wednesday and I hope it is not too wet. The birds are singing, and passing on the tweets about the X58 being a two-hourly bus service from today. They sometimes hitch a ride on the coach roof to Ferry Toll Park and Ride.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office forecasts.