Dalgety Bay Weather: As at 9:00 am on 16 March 2020
Here’s the weather for Monday
With a high of 11°C and a low of 4°C (feels like 2°C).
Wind gusts over 30 mph (Rising to over 40 mph) from 11 am until mid-afternoon on Tuesday.
Sunny intervals and sun in all its glory until 11:05 am then cloud until lunchtime.
In the afternoon the clouds continue with heavy rain from 4:55 pm until the close of play.
For the evening, there is light rain that changes to light showers from 9:55 pm. Eventually, those showers fizzle out bringing a dry Tuesday morning.
Wind: South Westerly all day and into the evening.
Speed: 11-9-(20)-19-(22)-24-(20) mph
Gusts: 18-16-(33)-35-33-(39)-43-39-42-(38) mph
Risks: Wind gusts over 30 mph make it difficult for pedestrians to walk. While gusts of over 40 mph make it a challenge to drive, especially for high sided vehicles. Risk of haze throughout the morning. Risk of surprise rainfall/showers during the day and evening. Beware of floods in the usual places in Inverkeithing, Dalgety Bay and on route to Kirkcaldy/Aberdour. Usually at roundabouts, Inverkeithing High School, near farmland, and dips in the road.
That is it from me and have a magical Monday. The birds are happily singing, it is a magnificent sound – it almost sounds like that lovely piece of music – Handel’s “The arrival of the Queen of Sheba’
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office forecasts