15 03 2020 Wind Gusts above 30 mph. Some rain first thing. Cloudy all day. Risk of surprise rainfall, mist and frost this evening

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Rain - A flower enjoying some rain drops on its blue petals

Dalgety Bay Weather: As at 8:30 am

Here is the weather for Sunday
With a high of 9°C and a low of -1°C.
Cloudy all day,
Wind gusts over 30 mph until after lunch. Rain until mid-morning. Then cloud until lunchtime.
The wind gusts continue until mid-afternoon and the sky remains cloudy until 4:55  pm. Then there are sunny intervals until the close of play.
In the evening it starts with a cloudy sky, then a little later it is partially clear, and as it comes closer to midnight the sky clears.
Wind mainly Westerly
Gusts  above 30 mph until 2:55 pm peaking at 40 mph at about 10:15 pm.  After mid-afternoon it drops to 14 mph by midnight 
Risks: Wind gusts above 30 mph make it difficult for pedestrians to walk. Rain, showers and wintry weather on the hills all day and into early evening.  After which there could be a mist and frost extending to overnight.
That is it from me and have a superb Sunday with family and friends,  Birds are quietly tweeting in whispers they are trying to share a secret.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office forecasts.

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16 03 2020 Wind gusts over 30 mph (Rising to over 40 mph) – Sunny intervals and sun in all its glory until 11:05 am and then cloud. Heavy rain from 4:55 pm. In the evening, light rain that becomes light showers from 9:55 pm

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14 03 2020: Wind Gusts over 30 mph tonight. Cloudy all day with Light and Heavy rain mainly in the evening but some rain and showers in the afternoon.

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