Dalgety Bay Weather: 11:30 am 30 December 2019
Here is the weather for Monday
With a high of 11°C and a low of -1°C (feels like -3°C).
Cloudy all-day
Showers this morning until lunch.
Then there should be rain for an hour or two. Later near the close of play, there may be more rain for a couple of hours.
Cloudy most of the evening (may rain) with some clear sky before mid-evening and late frost
Risks: Of Surprise rain in the early evening. Tonight there could be a late frost and this may continue until Tuesday morning.
Wind: (Westerly), West North Westerly, Westerly, (West North Westerly), (Westerly)
Speed: 18-(15)-8-9-(7)-8-(7) mph
Gusts: 30-(27)-17-22-(18)-(14) mph
That is it from me and I hope you all have a Magical Monday. The birds are flying high doing a grand tour of Dalgety Bay.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT, AccuWeather, and Met Office Forecasts