Dalgety Bay Weather: As at 12:01 am on 31 December 2019
For the early birds here is the weather for Tuesday
With a high of 8°C and a low of 0°C (feels like -2).
With a high of 8°C and a low of 0°C (feels like -2).
It will be Sunny from first thing until the close of play.
Then there could be a clear sky until mid-evening when there could be some cloud.
Risks: Of a light frost in the morning and a haze in the afternoon
Wind: West North Westerly, North Westerly, Westerly, West North Westerly, (North Westerly), Westerly, West North Westerly,(Westerly), West North Westerly, (Westerly), (West South Westerly)
Speed: 6-4-(7)-5-6-5-6-(3)-4-3-4-(7)-9-8-(9) mph
Gusts: 14-5-(8)-(6)-5-(13)-20-(18) mph
That is it from me and have a terrific Tuesday. The birds went to bed early and are having a well earned good night’s sleep.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office Forecasts