Dalgety Bay Weather: 9th February 2019
For the early birds here’s the weather
With a high of 8°C and a low of 2°C.
Storm Erik – Gusts peak 12:55 pm 50 miles per hour. Light and heavy rain in the early hours of this morning. Light rain at 6:05 and 9:55 am. Cloudy part of the day but sunny intervals and sun in all its glory from 10:55 am to 4:55 pm. And a clear sky mostly in the evening.
Wind: South Westerly, South South Westerly, Westerly South Westerly, Westerly, and Westerly South Westerly. Speed: 26-18-20-27-28-20-15-16 mph.
Gusts: 44-34-38-49-50-37-29-30 mph.
Risks: Surprise rainfall and Gales. Hurricane Erik
That is it from me and have a super Saturday.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office Forecasts