Dalgety Bay Weather: 10th February 2019
For the early birds here’s the weather
With a high of 7°C and a low of -2°C.
Partly Cloudy, rain in the early hours of this morning Sunday. Sunny intervals and sun in all its glory until the close of play. Mainly a clear sky tonight and overnight.
Wind: Westerly South Westerly, Westerly, and Westerly North Westerly. Speed: 6-9-6-12-6-9-8 mph. Gusts: 22-13-14-20-14-7-9-8 mph
Risks: A frosty, frosty morning. There is also a difference of view about the temperature. If it does drop below 0°C then the frost will be about for longer. There is also a risk of surprise showers.
That is it from me and have a superb Sunday with friends and family.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and the Met Office.