Dalgety Bay Weather: As at 7:45 pm on the 07 09 2019:
Here’s the weather for Saturday
With a high of 18°C and a risk of 1°C (overnight).
With a high of 18°C and a risk of 1°C (overnight).
Grass frost first thing in the morning. Temperatures may go below 5C. Sun in all its glory and sunny intervals until after lunch. Cloud and more sunny intervals at 3:55 pm for an hour or two. Then cloud for an hour and then sun in all its glory until the close of play.
Wind: Westerly, West North Westerly, North Westerly, North North Westerly, (North Westerly), North North Westerly, (Northerly), North Easterly, South Westerly, North Easterly, East North Easterly, North North Westerly, (East South Easterly), (South Easterly)
Speed: 5-6-5-(6)-8-(6)-4-(6)-(7) mph
Gusts: 13-8-10-(9)-14-(11)- 8-(10)-11-(10) mph
Risks: Easterly winds mid-afternoon until midnight means planes overhead from Edinburgh Airport. Some frost overnight and early Sunday morning. Temperatures 5C and lower overnight.
That is it from me and have a super Saturday. Birds are happily singing and the sun is rising.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and BBC weather forecasts.