Dalgety Bay Weather: 14 06 2019
Here’s the weather for Friday
With a high of 17°C and a low of 8°C
With a high of 17°C and a low of 8°C
Mostly Cloudy Day with Sunny Intervals and Light rain showers (34% risk) from mid-afternoon until tea time. The sunny intervals then returning until the close of play.
Wind: South Westerly, South-South Westerly, (Southerly), South-South Easterly, Southerly, South-South Easterly, Southerly, (South-South Westerly), South Westerly, Southerly, South-South Easterly, (South Easterly)
Speed: 6-11-9-(11)-12-(7)-8-(7) mph – numbers but not percentages in brackets represent mid-point forecasts.
Gusts: 13-17-15-(17)-18-17-18-(12)-14-(12) mph
Risks: Of random surprise Rain Showers throughout the day the highest risk being between mid-afternoon and 6:05 pm. Easterly winds – planes overhead at random times from Edinburgh Airport in the afternoon until midnight. Risk of rain early Saturday Morning.
That is it from me and I wish you all a fabulous Friday. The birds are chirping and almost sound as good as the beautiful sound of the Dalgety Bay Choir.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office Forecasts.