Dalgety Bay Weather: 8th May 2019
For the early birds here’s the weather for Wednesday
With a high of 7°C and a low of 4°C.
Heavy Rain first thing followed by mainly Light Rain from 10:05 am until 8:05 pm when it becomes heavy again.
Wind: Easterly, (East North Easterly), Easterly, (East North Easterly), (East North Easterly), (North Easterly)
Speed: 15-17-12-(13)-15-14-(20)-21-(20)–(16) mph, Items in brackets and/or bold indicate mid-point intervals
Gusts: 20-23-20-(22)-25-23-(32)-(33)-35-(29) mph.
Risks: High winds and surprise random heavy rainfall. Easterly winds:- Risk of low flying planes overhead from Edinburgh Airport.
That is it from me and have a wonderful Wednesday.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office Forecasts.