Dalgety Bay Weather as at 9:30 am on 13th November 2020
SEPA: Flood alerts and warnings for the Western Isles and parts of Tayside.
30 mph wind gusts after 9:55 am until mid-afternoon
Here is the weather for Friday…
With a high of 10 °C and a low of 9 °C feels like 5 °C.
With a high of 10 °C and a low of 9 °C feels like 5 °C.
This morning it will be cloudy with sunny intervals until lunch-time. Risk of showers before lunch.
After lunch, the cloud and sunny intervals continue until tea-time with a risk of showers from mid-afternoon.
While after tea there is a higher risk of showers for an hour or two. But the sky will be mainly cloudy with some clear evening sky.
Wind: South Westerly, (South Westerly), (South Westerly), South Westerly, South-South Westerly, (South-South Westerly)
Speed: 14-18-17-(18)-19-15-(16)-(12) mph
Gusts: 23-31-29-(31)-(28)-(24) mph
Risks: Surprise showers throughout the day and into the evening. Wind gusts of 30 mph from 9:55 am until after lunch making it difficult for people to walk. That is it from me and do have a fantastic Friday. The birds are quiet, perhaps feathering their nests.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT, AccuWeather and Met Office forecasts