Dalgety Bay Weather as at 9:45 am on 15th July 2020
Here is the weather for Wednesday
Temperature: A high of 17 °C and a low of 14 °C feels like 13 °C
Temperature: A high of 17 °C and a low of 14 °C feels like 13 °C
A cloudy day with showers and light rain until lunchtime. There may be some respite from the rain about mid-morning for an hour or two.
Heavy cloud in the main before tea with some light cloud appearing at about 4:55 pm.
During and after tea there will be light cloud until midnight
Wind: West South Westerly, Westerly, (Westerly), (Westerly), (Westerly)
Speed: 10-(12)-(16)-(13) mph
Gusts: 16-(19)-(26)-22-(23) mph
Risks: Surprise random rainfall throughout the day. Some drizzle in the evening and overnight.
That is it from me and have a wonderful Wednesday. The birds are tweeting, they are wondering what shale gas is. I hear a birdie saw a tanker with the words “Shale gas for Europe” in the River Forth heading for Grangemouth. Mind you it could all be just fake tweets/news.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office forecasts.