Dalgety Bay Weather: As at 10:50 am on 30 June 2020
Here’s the weather for Tuesday
With a high of 18 °C and a low of 11 °C.
A cloudy day with sunny intervals first thing the morning. Followed by showers after mid-morning and cloud until lunchtime.
From lunchtime, there are sunny intervals until tea time but there could be a risk of showers mid-afternoon followed by cloudier skies until midnight.
While in the evening expect some sunny intervals but it may be mostly cloudy especially near 6:55 pm when there may be showers. After which it may be cloudy until midnight when there could be more surprise showers.
Wind: Westerly, (Westerly), West South Westerly, (West South Westerly), West South Westerly, Westerly, (Westerly)
Speed: 12-14-12-(13)-(11)-(7) mph
Gusts: 22-(19)-18-20-(17)-(13) mph
Risks: Light and heavy showers throughout the day. Showers in the evening but they start to diminish overnight. Ultraviolet rays reach a maximum of 6 in the afternoon. Therefore, please put sun protection on if you wish to venture out between 12 and 5 pm.
That is it from me. Hope you all have a terrific Tuesday. The birds are very quiet. Singing a new song ‘Quiet in the morn’. I can hardly hear it.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT, AccuWeather, BBC and Met Office forecasts and all did paint a slightly different picture to each other! The forecast above is my best guess on the information provided.