Dalgety Bay Weather: As at 10 am on 4th May 2020
Here’s the weather for Monday.
With a high of 11°C and a low of 3°C feels like 2°C.
Cloudy in the morning with heavy and light rain until lunchtime. There could be some sunny intervals this morning.
The afternoon starts with some cloud and then there are sunny intervals until tea-time. The sun might pop out in all its glory before and after mid-afternoon.
After tea promises more sunny intervals and sun in all its glory until the close of play.
This is followed by a clear sky or a sky with cloud until midnight.
Wind: Easterly, East North Easterly, (Easterly), East North Easterly, Easterly, (East North Easterly), Easterly, (Easterly)
Speed: 14-9-14-11-(13)-(12) mph
Gusts: 18-15-(19)-16-(20)-21-(18) mph
Risks: Surprise showers and rain in the morning. Tonight and overnight expect a frost. Therefore, be prepared for frost on your wind-screen on Tuesday Morning. There is an Easterly wind throughout the day that continues until Thursday morning. This means there is a risk of planes overhead from Edinburgh Airport. However, as you all know most of the scheduled flights have been cancelled, therefore we may see perhaps two or three planes today.
It could be very sunny later on so please remember to put your sun protection on, especially if you venture out for exercise.
That is it from me and do have a magical Monday. The birds enjoyed the rain, doing their disco parry piece that is the tweeting in the rain, skip, hop and fly.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT, AccuWeather and Met Office forecasts.