Dalgety Bay Weather: As at 10 am on 13 04 2020
Here is the weather for Easter Monday
With a high of 11°C and a low of 1°C feels like 0°C.
It will be Cloudy and Sunny today.
This morning first thing, the sky will be cloudy. This should continue until mid-morning when the cloud should start to disperse. After which there will be sunny intervals and surprise appearances of the sun in all its glory until lunchtime.
Then it is sunny intervals until the close of play.
This evening those sunny intervals continue for a little while and the evening sky continues mostly with cloud and some surprise clear skies.
Wind: North Easterly, (East North Easterly), Easterly, East South Easterly, Easterly, East South Easterly, (Southerly), South Easterly, South-South Easterly, South Easterly, (West North Westerly)
Speed: 12-13-(10)-11-(6)-7-6-7-(6) mph
Gusts: 21-(15)-8-(10)-(10) mph
Risks: Easterly winds throughout the day mean planes overhead from Edinburgh Airport. However, many flights have been cancelled because of the pandemic.
That is it from me and do have an amazing Easter Monday. Don’t forget to finish those Easter Eggs and do a virtual share of your feast with family and friends over Zoom, FaceTime and WhatsApp. The birds are quiet at the moment, but earlier they were full of song and the owls were pounding out beats with their hoots of joy. It seems to me that they have heard that Boris is out of the hospital and they had an early morning party.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT, AccuWeather and Met Office Forecasts.