Dalgety Bay Weather: As at 10 am on 05 April 2020
Here is the weather for Sunday
With a high of 20°C and a low of 9°C.
Potentially, a very warm Sunday. But if you want to go out, have a local exercise walk for one or two people of about an hour in duration. Otherwise enjoy some time relaxation in your garden or if you live in a flat open the window and enjoy the day.
Sunny intervals until after lunch with some surprise cloud during the morning
In the afternoon, there will be cloud and there could be some sunny intervals from mid-afternoon for an hour or two and then before tea time, the cloud returns. There is a risk that the high wind gusts could increase in speed and arrive earlier than expected.
In the evening after tea, there will be some sunny intervals for about an hour or two. Sadly, it is then a cloudy sky until 6:05 pm when the weather changes. Expect some rain overnight after 3:55 am for an hour or two. Expect wind gusts over 30 mph from mid-evening until midnight.
Wind: East North Easterly, (Easterly), East South Easterly, (South-South Easterly), (South-South Easterly) and the South-South Easterly wind will continue until about 1:05 am on Monday
Speed: 8-14-10-(12)-10-14-13-(14)-(16) mph
Gusts: 11-17-13-(18)-15-(27)-30-(28) mph
Risks: Please remember to put some sun protection on if you are going out. Don’t be tempted to travel further afield than Dalgety Bay for recreation as there is a lockdown in place. There is an Easterly Wind and therefore there is a risk of planes overhead from Edinburgh Airport. For the plane enthusiasts, the bad news is that most plane. services are being cancelled. There is a risk of the 30 mph wind gusts arriving earlier than this evening. And as most of you know that means it makes it difficult for pedestrians to walk and additionally cools the temperature in the Bay. There is a risk of rain tonight and overnight.
That is it from me. Have a superb Sunday. I would usually say enjoy Sunday with family and friends. However, you can’t do that physically at the moment. But you can do it virtually. Yes on your computer, your IPad or equivalent, on your smartphone. Play some games – ones that you would play in your home over the new technology media. Offer a virtual glass of wine and steak and chips (or something else appropriate if you are a vegetarian). For those not on any of these Internet devices just phone your relatives on your mobile phone and switch the phone’s speaker on. Do enjoy your day. And don’t forget you can also attend Dalgety Bay Church Sunday Service on Facebook. So it is business as usual.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT, AccuWeather and Met Office forecasts.