Dalgety Bay Weather: As at 9:30 am on 29 March 2020
Here’s the weather for Sunday
With a high of 9°C and a low of 2°C feels like -1°C.
With a high of 9°C and a low of 2°C feels like -1°C.
Cloudy for most of the day and into the evening. However, this morning we start with sunny intervals until lunchtime or until mid-afternoon (Forecasts are contradictory).
Wind: Northerly, (North-North Easterly), East North Easterly, North-North Westerly, (North Westerly), (West North Westerly)
Speed: 8-13-(9)-6-(9)-8-9-8-(11) mph
Gusts: 21-20-21-(15)-11-(17)-16-(22) mph
Risks: Easterly wind means planes overhead from Edinburgh Airport. However, most flights are cancelled because of the current COVID-19 virus. Tonight and overnight there is a risk of frost on the roads, take care while driving.
Just a word of caution for pedestrians and motorists, the Scottish Police now have the power to stop and ask the nature and destination of your journey. They have the discretion to impose fines if the journey is not for shopping or if you are not an essential worker on your way to work. You need to remember there is a bit of ambiguity in the wording here. What the police believe to be an essential worker may not be the same as your own definition.
That is it from me and have a superb Sunday. This is the second Sunday that I am unable to say have a superb Sunday with family and friends. Thinking about it all it needs is one person with a computer or smartphone/smartpad. That person in the group needs a subscription to Zoom.us (It was free for 45 minutes prior to COVID-19). Then, hey presto everyone can meet up in the same place seeing each other or in the worst-case speaking to each other on their not so smartphone at the same virtual meeting. It works brilliantly as everyone can be involved, it works for speech with an ordinary or mobile phone. Therefore everyone is included – no computer skills necessary.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT, AccuWeather and Met Office Forecasts.