Dalgety Bay Weather: As at 8:30 am on 20 January 2020
Here is the weather for Monday
Temperature: A high of 10°C and a low of 5°C.
Temperature: A high of 10°C and a low of 5°C.
Wind Gusts above 30 mph after 9:55 am.
Cloudy all day and into the evening. Light cloud from now until mid-afternoon.Then heavy cloud until Wednesday.
Risks: After 9:55 am until midnight there are wind gusts over 30 mph. This makes it difficult for pedestrians to walk. Risk of random showers in the evening.
Surprises: Some surprise appearances of sunny intervals near the shoreline.
Wind: West South Westerly all day and into this evening.
Speed: 16-15-(20)-19-21-(19)-(17) mph
Gusts: 32-29-(35)-(34)-(31) mph
That is it from me and have a magical Monday. The birds they are sleeping in their nests waiting for the sun to appear in our overcast sky.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office Forecasts.