Dalgety Bay Weather: As at 12:15 am 5
It will be Rain/Wind. Light rain before lunch.
From close of play light showers, light and heavy rain until lunchtime on Friday
Wind: West South Westerly, South Westerly, Westerly South Westerly, (South Westerly), (SouthWesterly). (West South Westerly), (West South Westerly)
Speed: 20-21-20-(21)-20-21-18-(19)-26-(25)-20-(21)
Gusts: 37-36-38-(37)-36-32-(35)-49-(48)-(38)
Risks: Gale force winds maximum wind gusts of 49 mph before tea.
That is it from me and have a trouble free Thursday. Birds are having a well earned sleep
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office Forecasts