10 12 2019 Wind weather warning in place. Gusts of 56 mph from 9:55 am. Showers, light and heavy rain for most of the day and evening

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Wind Gusts above 40 mph

Dalgety Bay Weather: As at 8:30 am on 10 December 2019.

Here is the weather for Tuesday.
With a high of 14°C and a low of 3°C (feels like -2).
There is a wind weather warning in place for most of Scotland.  In Dalgety Bay wind gusts of 56 mph are expected after mid-morning. These gusts reduce their speed during the rest of the day to 39mph by midnight.
Expect Showers, Light, Heavy Rain and Light Rain in place until just before noon.
In the afternoon, it is heavy rain until the close of play.
While in the evening, there is a mixture of light and heavy rain reducing to showers before midnight.
Risks:  Wintry weather on high ground tonight.
Wind Warning.
  • Wind gusts of more than 40 mph could mean very difficult conditions for cyclists and pedestrians.
  • Some delays to road, rail, air and ferry transport are likely
  • Probably some bus and train services affected, with some journeys taking longer, made worse by spray and surface water
  • Delays for high-sided vehicles on exposed routes and bridges likely
  • Some short term loss of power and other services is possible

Rain:  Flooding at usual spots such as the roundabouts there Aldi and Inverkeithing. 

Wind:  Southerly, (South-South Westerly), South Westerly, Westerly, (West South Westerly), (West South Westerly)

Speed: 24-32-(26)-24-25-24-(21)-19-(22)-20-(21) mph

Gusts: 43-55-(47)-44-45-(38)-35-(39)-35-(39) mph

That is if from me and have a terrific Tuesday.  Birds are not moving,  sleeping snuggled up in their warm beds of hay.   

Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office Forecasts.




Previous Article

11 12 2019: Wind Gusts above 30 mph. Showers Overnight, mid-morning, before and after lunch. Sunny intervals, from 1:55 pm for an hour or two. Then showers from 4:05 pm until 8:05 pm. Followed by a cloudy sky. Then showers until midnight and clouds overnight.

Next Article

09 12 2019 Yellow warning of rain-Fife. But mostly Sunny until the close of play. Cloudy most of the night. Tonight/Overnight… Risk of risk of frost and showers (Showers early/first thing Tuesday morning)

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