Dalgety Bay Weather: As at 8 am on 5 November 2019
Here is the weather for Tuesday
With a high of 10°C and a low of -3°C.
There was light and heavy rain for an hour or two overnight. Cloud until 9:55 am, followed by sunny intervals until lunch.
Those sunny intervals continue until 3:55 pm when the sun returns in all its glory until the close of play.
Clear skies and then cloud until the midnight hour.
Wind: North Easterly, (North North Easterly), (North North Easterly). (Northerly), (North Westerly)
Speed: 15-16-(14)-15-(13)-6-(7)-5-(6) mph
Gusts: G2 (27)-30-25-26-(25)-11-(15)-8-(9) mph
Risks: Easterly Wind: Planes Overhead from Edinburgh Airport. A small risk of showers in the morning and afternoon. Risk of frost and fog overnight and early morning.
That is it from me and I hope you all have a terrific Tuesday. Birds quietly chirp, for today they seem to be singing happily, at a guess “Let’s go on a summer holiday”. Could be a little late. Planes woke me at 6:25 am.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office Forecasts.