Dalgety Bay Weather: At at 12:01 am on 17 November 2019
Here is the weather for Sunday.
Temperature: A high of 8°C and a low of 1°C feels like -2°C.
Early morning (After midnight)…
Showers, Heavy rain and Light rain early morning while we sleep.
Then heavy and light cloud until after lunch.
After 1:55 pm and until the close of play there will be sunny intervals.
Then there should be cloud until midnight
Wind: West North Westerly, North Westerly, Westerly, (West North Westerly), North Westerly, (West North Westerly), (North Westerly), (North North Westerly)
Speed: 6-(4)-(7)-5-(6)-9-(8) mph
Gusts: 9-10-9-7-(8)-12-(11)-10-(11)-(17) mph
Risks: Random frost on ground and high areas. Surprise rainfall in the morning with a risk of frost in the evening.
That is it from me and have a superb Sunday with family and friends. Birds are sleeping quietly in the trees dreaming about the favourite seeds.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office forecasts.