Dalgety Bay Weather: As at 9 am on 11 November 2019
Temperature: A high of 8°C and a low of 2°C (Feels like 0°C).
It will be Cloudy. Heavy rain until 10:55 a.m that is interrupted with dry spells of an hour or more. After which there are light showers and light rain until 12:55 p.m.
Wind: Westerly, (West South Westerly), (Westerly), (Westerly)
Speed: 11-10-18-(16)-19-(15)-(11) mph
Gusts: 25-22-33-(29)-34-32-33-(27)-(20) mph
Risks: Wind Gusts above 30 mph after lunch until just before tea time. This makes walking for pedestrians difficult. Risk of snow on high ground. Risk of showers in the evening and overnight. There may be frost first thing on Tuesday,
That is it from me and have a magical Monday. Birds are quiet today, I think they may have overslept!
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office Forecasts.