Dalgety Bay Weather: As at 8:30 am on 07 November 2019
Here is the weather for Thursday
With a high of 10°C and a low of 1°C.
With a high of 10°C and a low of 1°C.
Cloudy. There was light rain overnight for an hour or two and at 6:05 am. Since 7:55 am there has been heavy rain and this will continue until just after lunch. Then light rain until the close of play. After which it is cloudy until about the midnight hour with light showers at 5:55 and 9:55 pm for an hour or two.
Wind: East South Easterly, (Easterly), East North Easterly, (North Easterly), (North Easterly), (North North Easterly)
Speed: 20-(17)-20-18-(19)-(17) mph
Gusts: 29-(33)-36-32-35-(34)-33-34-(31) mph
Risks: Easterly wind means planes overhead from Edinburgh Airport. Risk of hill snow. There could be some frost in places overnight. Wind gusts of 30 mph or more make it difficult for Pedestrians to walk.
That is it from me and have a trouble-free Thursday. Birds are quiet today. Perhaps they have just overslept!
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office forecasts.