Dalgety Bay Weather: As at 10:00 am 19 October 2019
Here is the weather for Saturday
Temperature: A high of 12°C and a low of -1°C (overnight).
Temperature: A high of 12°C and a low of -1°C (overnight).
_______ Morning
Heavy Rain until 11 am. Then Heavy Cloud until lunchtime.
_______ Afternoon
Light cloud until tea-time.
Followed by more light cloud until the close of play. Sunset is at 6:04 pm.
Wind: North-North Easterly, Northerly, (North-North Easterly), Northerly, (North North Westerly), (North Westerly)
Speed: 13-19-(17)-9-10-(9)-7-8-(7) mph
Gusts: G3: 31-35-(32)-19-22-(21)-18-19-(18) mph
Risks: Easterly wind will mean Planes overhead from Edinburgh Airport until after lunch. The easterly wind returns mid-afternoon tomorrow for an hour or two and then should depart for at least a couple of days. Light and heavy showers in the afternoon. Risk of more rain in the evening and overnight. There well could be frost in sheltered areas.
Woken by the 6:30 plane again. That is it from me and have a Super Saturday. I am sure our politicians will have a great time today. The birds are quiet perhaps they have all flown off to Westminster!
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office Forecasts.