Dalgety Bay Weather: As at 9:00 am on Wednesday, 16 10 2019
Here is the weather for today
Temperature: A high of 15°C and a low of 0°C.
_______ Morning
Cloudy with heavy rain until lunchtime with a bit of respite before mid-morning with light showers:
_______ Afternoon
Light rain during lunch followed by some sunny intervals.
Those sunny intervals turn into the sun in all its glory until tea time.
_______ Evening
That Sun in all its glory continues until the close of play. Sunset is at 6:11 pm.
Wind: East North Easterly, Easterly, (South-South Easterly), Westerly, (West South Westerly), North Westerly, (Westerly)
Speed: 9-12-(7)-15-(10)-(5) mph
Gusts: G2: 13-17-12-(13)-25-(20)-(9) mph
Risks: Easterly wind. This means there is a risk of planes overhead from Edinburgh airport. Wind changes to a Westerly about lunch-time. Risk of surprise showers in the evening. If you are on high ground the temperature may drop to 0°C otherwise, it will be nearer 4°C.
That is it from me and have a wonderful Wednesday. I was woken again by planes flying overhead. Some seem to turn early before Aberdour. Birds are profusely tweeting. I think they may have heard the Brexit discussions.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office forecasts.