08 10 2019: Cloudy with a risk of showers, sun and wind.  A day of mixed weather and surprise rainfall.  Wind gusts reaching a high of 42 mph. Cloudy and then the sun in all its glory from mid-morning until lunch.

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Wind Gusts above 40 mph

Dalgety Bay Weather:  As at 12:01 am, 8 October 2019

For the early birds here is the weather for Tuesday.
With a high of 15°C and a low of 7°C.
Cloudy with a risk of showers, sun and wind.  A day of mixed weather and surprise rainfall.  Wind gusts reaching a high of 42 mph.
______ Morning
Cloudy and then the sun in all its glory from mid-morning until lunch.
______ Afternoon
Sunny intervals until mid-afternoon.  Light cloud until 4:55 pm.  Then more sunny intervals until 5:55 pm with a risk of showers,
______ Evening
Cloudy until midnight.  Then light showers overnight.  Sunset 6:31 pm.
Wind: South Westerly, (South Westerly), West South Westerly, (South Westerly), (South Westerly), (West South Westerly)
Speed: 17-18-17-18-17-(19)-21-19-(22)-24-(18)-17-(18) mph
Gusts: G4: 33-32-33-32-(36)-35-39-35-(40)-42-(34)-42-32-(34) mph
Risks:  Wind 40 mph or more.  Pedestrians at risk of falls. These winds will make it difficult to drive high profile vehicles. Small, unsecured objects may be blown around too.  Risk of random showers.
That is it from me and I hope you have a terrific Tuesday.   It is close to midnight and I am sure the birds are sleeping.  I can’t hear one tweet!
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office forecasts.

Previous Article

09 10 2019: Cloudy and showers early morning and first thing. Sunny intervals 7:55 and 10:55 am.  Cloudy from lunch-time until mid-afternoon.  More sunny intervals until tea time.  Then light showers until the close of play.  Followed by cloud until midnight. Sunset at 6:29 pm

Next Article

07-10-2019: Wind speed 30 mph+ hard to walk. Light rain until 8:05 am.  Cloudy until noon. Heavy cloud until 2:55pm. Sunny intervals and sun in all its glory until 4:55 pm. Then light cloud until tea-time. Sun until the close of the day.

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