Dalgety Bay Weather: As at 9 am on Saturday 14 September 2019
Here’s the weather for today
With a high of 18°C and a low of 10°C.
A Cloudy/Windy with rain mid-evening.
_______ Morning
Some sunny intervals but mainly light cloud until after lunch.
_______ Afternoon
This is followed by heavy cloud until…
_______ Evening (Cloudy)
mid-evening when there will be light rain until the midnight hour.
Wind: South Westerly, West South Westerly, (South Westerly), (South Westerly), West South Westerly, (Westerly)
Speed: 14-17-15-(19)-20-18-(22)-(18) mph
Gusts: G3 moving to G4 25-30-27-(34)-33-(40)-(32) mph
Risks: Random surprise rainfall during the day. Highest risk before teatime until mid-evening. Wind gusts of 30 mph plus makes walking difficult for pedestrians.
That is it from me and I wish you a super Saturday. The birds were in full voice this morning singing their morning song with gentle tweets and sweet chirps. All supported by the hoot of a nearby owl joining in at random times to make heavenly harmony with the choir of Aves.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office Forecasts