Dalgety Bay Weather: As at 8 am on 03 09 2019
Here’s the weather for Tuesday
There has been a small shower of rain early this morning.
With a high of 18°C and a low of 4°C.
Cloudy. Light showers and light rain from now until mid-morning. Light rain from 9:55 am until mid-afternoon with a respite in the form of cloud after lunch for an hour or two. Heavy rain until tea time. Followed by light rain for an hour or two. After which there should be light rain until 10:55 pm. Then heavy rain until the midnight hour.
Wind: Westerly, West South Westerly, Westerly, West South Westerly, (South Westerly), West South Westerly, (South Westerly), West South Westerly, South Westerly, (West South Westerly)
Speed: 10-5-(12)-13-12-13-12-(13)-9-11-13-(11) mph
Gusts: G2 18-13-(21)-24-22-(23)-23-18-24-(22) mph
Risks: Surprise Rainfall during the day and in the evening and overnight
That is it from me and have a terrific Tuesday. Birds are quiet this morning and I suspect they have overslept.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office Forecasts.