Dalgety Bay Weather: As at 8:30 am on 02 09 2019
Here’s the weather for Monday
With a high of 16°C and a low of 8°C.
It will be Cloudy. Heavy and light rain from 10 55 am until the close of play with respite just after lunch for an hour or two
Wind: West South Westerly, (South Westerly), (West South Westerly), (West South Westerly)
Speed: 8-(16)-(20)-(17) mph
Gusts: G3 17-15-(26)-(36)-37-(31) mph. From mid-afternoon Wind gusts of above 30 mph make it difficult to walk outdoors.
Risks: Wind gusts of above 30 mph from mid-afternoon until midnight. Risk of rain in the evening and on Tuesday morning. Please be aware there could be some flooding on local roads if the heavy rain is continuous.
That is it from me and I can hear the quiet chirps of the birds as I am enjoying my breakfast
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office forecasts.