Dalgety Bay Weather: 01 09 2019
Here’s the weather for Sunday
With a high of 17°C and a low of 4°C.
With a high of 17°C and a low of 4°C.
Cloudy with Sun in all its glory and sunny intervals until lunchtime. Then more cloud after lunch followed by Light Showers, Light Rain, Heavy Rain and Heavy Showers until teatime. This is followed by sunny intervals until the close of play.
Wind: West South Westerly, (Westerly), West North Westerly, (Westerly), (Westerly)
Speed: 15-13-(14)-16-12-(13)-(8) mph
Gusts: 25-21-(24)-23-26-18-(22)-(16) mph
Risks: Of surprise heavy Thundery showers mainly in the afternoon. Risk of showers tonight and overnight. It is more than likely it will be dry tomorrow morning but there is a small risk of rain.
That is it from me. Have a superb Sunday with family and friends. The birds are quiet. Perhaps they are hatching a plot.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office forecasts.