Dalgety Bay Weather: 26 07 2019 9:45 am
Here is the weather for Friday
With a high of 24°C and a low of 15°C.
It will be Mostly Cloudy from now until the close of play. Sunny intervals from 9:55 am until 2:05 pm. Light showers (30% risk) from 6:55 pm for a hour or two. Hottest part of day 24°C between 1:55 and 6:05 pm.
Wind: (Easterly), South Easterly, (South South Easterly), Southerly, (South South Westerly), (Southerly)
Speed: 6-10-(7)-9-6-13-(11)-(5) mph
Gusts: 11-13-(10)-22-(18)-(9) mph
Risks: Surprise rain showers in the morning and heavy rain in the afternoon or evening. Risk of planes overhead from Edinburgh Airport – Easterly wind
That is it from me and have a fantastic Friday. Birds are amazingly quiet, perhaps they are hatching a plot! As I write I can hear the seagulls, they are coming into the shore for shelter and there is a lovely cooling air in circulation throughout the house. We may have a cooling afternoon.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office Forecasts.