Dalgety Bay Weather: 24 07 2019
Here’s the weather for Wednesday
With a high of 24°C and a low of 14°C.
With a high of 24°C and a low of 14°C.
Cloudy. Heavy and Light rain until mid-morning with a risk thunderstorm until lunchtime. Sunny intervals before lunch, mid-afternoon and at tea time until the close of play.
Wind: East, East South Easterly, Southerly, (South Westerly), (South Westerly), South-South Westerly, (Southerly)
Speed: 7-4-(11)-14-(12)-(6) mph
Gusts: G2 12-14-11-(18)-23-(20)-(13)
Risks: Risk of surprise showers in the afternoon. National yellow thunderstorm warning from 6 pm tonight until 9 am. Planes overhead from Edinburgh Airport last night and until mid-morning, Easterly wind. Some low flying could see the plane numbers.
That is it from me and have a wonderful Wednesday, Birds are singing a quiet lullaby, making me sleepy!
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office Forecasts.