Dalgety Bay Weather: 22 07 2019
Here’s the weather for Monday
With a high of 24°C and a low of 16°C.Cloudy. Light rain from now until just before lunch which continues for an hour or two after 11:55 am and 1:55 pm. Sunny intervals will return mid-evening until the close of play.
With a high of 24°C and a low of 16°C.Cloudy. Light rain from now until just before lunch which continues for an hour or two after 11:55 am and 1:55 pm. Sunny intervals will return mid-evening until the close of play.
Wind: West South Westerly, South Westerly, (West South Westerly), South Westerly, West South Westerly, (South Westerly), (South Westerly)
Speed: 15-(18)-19-(15)-(13) mph
Gusts: G3… 36-34-(35)-(28)-24-26-(25) mph
Risks: Wind, risk of small objects flying in the wind at gusts of above 30 mph (G3). Walking more difficult for the inform and elderly. Surprise rainfall this evening drizzle on high ground.
That is it from me and have a magical Monday. The birds are singing and happily tweeting.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office forecasts.