Dalgety Bay Weather: 15-07-2019 7:30 am
With a high of 25°C and a low of 10°C.
Wind: North Easterly, Easterly, (East South Easterly), Easterly, (East North Easterly), (South Westerly)
Speed: 3-(5)-(8)-(4) mph
Gusts: (4)-(7)-(12)-(9) mph
Risks: Easterly Winds means planes overhead from Edinburgh Airport. Our understanding is that those planes should fly overhead on an Easterly wind when the wind speed is above 7 miles per hour. According to forecasts that wind speed limit will be reached at 6 pm. There should be mist near the coast and don’t forget to wear that sun protection.
That is it from me and have a magical Monday. Birds are singing happily. I thought their tweets sounded a bit like ‘Oh, What a Beautiful Morning’ from the musical Oklahoma.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office forecasts. The BBC and other weather forecasters have been checked too.