Dalgety Bay Weather: 10-07-2019
Here’s the weather for Wednesday
With a high of 21°C and a low of 14°C.Cloudy. Heavy rain until mid-morning. Light rain from lunchtime until mid-afternoon. Showers and sunny intervals from tea-time until mid-evening.
With a high of 21°C and a low of 14°C.Cloudy. Heavy rain until mid-morning. Light rain from lunchtime until mid-afternoon. Showers and sunny intervals from tea-time until mid-evening.
Wind: Westerly, West South Westerly, (Westerly), (West South Westerly), (South Westerly)
Speed: 5-4-(8)-9-10-(9)-(5) mph
Gusts: 12-14-(13)-17-(16)-11 mph
Risks: Thunder from mid-afternoon until the close of play. Surprise rain showers overnight
That is it from me and I hope you all have a Wonderful Wednesday. Birds are singing happily.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office Forecasts.