Dalgety Bay Weather: 06-07-2019
Here’s the weather for Saturday
With a high of 18°C and a low of 9°C.Easterly Wind: Risk of Planes overhead from Edinburgh Airport. Cloudy with images of small blue lochs in the sky. Sunny Intervals before lunch and at tea-time for an hour or two.
With a high of 18°C and a low of 9°C.Easterly Wind: Risk of Planes overhead from Edinburgh Airport. Cloudy with images of small blue lochs in the sky. Sunny Intervals before lunch and at tea-time for an hour or two.
Wind: Westerly, (North Westerly), Easterly, East North Easterly, (Easterly), (Easterly) the Easterly winds remaining with us until at least Friday with an hour or two of respite each day.
Speed: 2-(6)-8-7-(11)-9-(10) mph
Gusts: 5-(9)-13-10-(16)-18-15-(16) mph
Risks: Surprise rainfall but none forecast. Easterly winds result in planes overhead from Edinburgh Airport in the afternoon, into the evening and tomorrow morning.
That is it from me and have a super Saturday with family and friends.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office Forecasts