Dalgety Bay Weather: 02-07-2019
For the early birds here’s the weather for Tuesday
With a high of 19°C and a low of 8°C.
With a high of 19°C and a low of 8°C.
Some Cloud: Sun in all its Glory and Sunny Intervals until lunchtime. Then Sunny Intervals for an hour at 12 55 pm and 3:55 pm. Near mid-evening the Sun in all its glory and Sunny Intervals until the close of play.
Wind: Westerly, West N926orth Westerly, (Westerly, West North Westerly), Westerly, (West North Westerly), (West North Westerly)
Speed: 12-14-(12)-16-(15)-(14)-(9) mph
Gusts: 25-27-(22)-19-(26)-(23)-18-(19) mph
Risks: Of showers throughout the day.
That is it from me. Wishing you a terrific Tuesday.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office Forecasts