Dalgety Bay Weather: 17 06 2019
Here’s the weather for Monday
Temperature: A high of 19°C and a low of 7°C.
Cloudy day. With sunny Intervals from 7:55 am to 10:07 am. Rain with thunder and lightning mid-afternoon. Then Heavy and Light showers for a couple of hours. More sunny Intervals mid-evening until the close of play.
Wind: South Westerly All Day
Speed: 12-17-(16)-17-14-(16)-17-(8) mph
Gusts: 24-(27)-28-26-(29)–(17) mph
Risks: Electrical Storms in the afternoon, rain in the morning.
That is it from me and have a magical Monday. Birds are singing a new song and flying happily in the sky.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office forecasts