30 05 19 : Risk of planes overhead from Edinburgh Airport at 7:30 am for about an hour, and mid-afternoon until midnight. Light and heavy rain from early morning until midnight with respite from about 6:05 am for a hour or two

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Cloud, rain and wind

Dalgety Bay Weather: 30th May 2019

For the early birds here’s the weather for Thursday
With a high of 11°C and a low of 8°C.
Light and heavy rain from early morning until midnight with respite from about 6:05 am for a hour or two.
Wind: Easterly, East North Easterly, North-North Easterly, South-South Easterly, (West North Westerly), North Easterly, North-North Westerly, (Westerly), Northerly, North Easterly, (East North Easterly), (North Easterly).
Speed:  8-(2)(10)-9-(10)(7) mph items in brackets and/or bold are mid-point forecasts.
Gusts:  13-5-7-5-(6)-(18)-15-(19)-(11) mph
Risks:  Flooding of roads especially near the Aldi store.  Risk of planes overhead from Edinburgh Airport at 7:30 am for about an hour, and mid-afternoon until midnight.
That is it from me and I hope you have a terrific Thursday.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office forecasts.

Previous Article

31 05 19 : Clouds all day that bring Light Rain from now until 10:05am.  Then heavy rain from 3:55 pm until 5:05pm.  Followed by cloud and more light rain after tea until the midnight hour

Next Article

29 05 19 : Easterly Wind risk of planes overhead from Edinburgh Airport. Sun in all its glory, followed by clouds and then heavy rain before lunch-time. After lunch the rain lightens with some cloudy patches in the afternoon.  At tea-time the heavy rain returns. More light rain overnight

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