Dalgety Bay Weather: 22-05-2019
Here’s the weather for Wednesday.
With a high of 17°C and a low of 3°C.
Mostly Cloudy. Sunny Intervals until just before lunch and those intervals return at about tea-time. Staying with us until the close of play.
Wind: Westerly for most of the day.
Speed: 11-(14)-(18)-(17) mph – Figures in brackets or bold are mid-point forecasts.
Gusts: 17-(23)-(31)-(30) mph
Risks: Random outburst of scattered showers. Overnight a risk of patchy rain but that will more than likely fall further North than Dalgety Bay.
That is it from me and have a wonderful Wednesday. The tweets from the birds are music to my ears. That reminds me… I need to find the ingredients for BREXIT pie. I need to have it ready for tomorrow at 10pm to celebrate the close of the European Elections in the UK. Yippee!
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office Forecasts