Dalgety Bay Weather: 14th May 2019
Here’s the weather for Tuesday
With a high of 22°C and a low of 5°C.Partly cloudy day. Sun in all its Glory now and sunny intervals for most of the day. The Sun in all its Glory will return just before the close of play for an hour or two.
With a high of 22°C and a low of 5°C.Partly cloudy day. Sun in all its Glory now and sunny intervals for most of the day. The Sun in all its Glory will return just before the close of play for an hour or two.
Wind: West North Westerly, South South Easterly, Southerly, South South Westerly, South Westerly, (Southerly), South-South Easterly, South Easterly, (East South Easterly), Easterly, (Southerly)
Speed: 5-2-4-3-(4)-7-6-7-(6)–(4) mph. Items in brackets and/or bold are mid-point forecasts
Gusts: 9-4-5-4-(7)-12-(11)–(5) mph
Risks: Planes Overhead from Edinburgh Airport after lunch until before the midnight hour. Patchy fog this evening and overnight,
That is it from me and have a terrific Tuesday. The birds are singing, perhaps I am hearing things but it could well be “Oh what a beautiful mornin”.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office forecasts.