Dalgety Bay Weather: 24th April 2019.
For the early birds here’s the weather for Wednesday
With a high of 12°C and a low of 7°C.Max wind gusts 33mph and Easterly Winds. Maybe, planes overhead from Edinburgh Airport. Sunny Intervals first thing on Wednesday then cloudy all day.
With a high of 12°C and a low of 7°C.Max wind gusts 33mph and Easterly Winds. Maybe, planes overhead from Edinburgh Airport. Sunny Intervals first thing on Wednesday then cloudy all day.
Wind: East North Easterly, North Easterly, East North Easterly,
Speed: 15-13-(15)-(19)-10-(17)-(13) mph. Items in brackets or bold are mid-point forecasts
Gusts: 27-28-27-(29)-(33)-(30)-(24) mph.
Risks: Patchy rain and drizzle in the afternoon and evening. 10% risk, but no rain forecast locally.
That is it from me and have a wonderful Wednesday.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office forecasts.