Dalgety Bay Weather: 7th April 2019
For the early birds here’s the weather for Sunday
With a high of 8°C and a low of 4°C.Easterly Wind. Risk of planes Overhead from Edinburgh Airport. Cloudy day. Drizzle, heavy and light rain early hours of Sunday morning. Followed by an early mist, then heavy and light cloud until midnight.
With a high of 8°C and a low of 4°C.Easterly Wind. Risk of planes Overhead from Edinburgh Airport. Cloudy day. Drizzle, heavy and light rain early hours of Sunday morning. Followed by an early mist, then heavy and light cloud until midnight.
Wind: East North Easterly, North Easterly, East North Easterly,
Wind Speed: 15-11-(12)–(16)-17-(15)–(14) mph. Figures in bold or brackets are mid-point items.
Wind Gusts: 25-20-(22)-(28)-29-(27)–(26) mph
Risk of surprise random drizzle and rain in the morning. There also might be the occasional electric storm.
Have a super Sunday with family and friends.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office Forecasts