Dalgety Bay Weather: Saturday, 6th April 2019
Here’s the weather for Saturday
With a high of 9°C and a low of 5°C.
Easterly Wind means planes overhead from Edinburgh Airport. Cloudy all day and into the evening. Light and heavy rain from 1:00 pm until midnight. Heavy Rain from 2:05 until 4:05 pm and 4:55 pm until 5:55 pm
Wind North, North North Easterly, North Easterly, East North Easterly, North Easterly, East North Easterly
Wind speed: 7-6-8-7-8–13-14-15 mph. Figures in bold are mid-point times.
Wind Gusts: 14-13-15-13-23-36 mph
Risks: Random surprise outbreaks throughout the day of rain and drizzle. There is a downpour of rain as I write. Risk of mist or light fog near any areas by the sea. Tonight and overnight mist and fog especially near the coast and on the River Forth.
That is it from me and have a super Saturday. The birds are croaking but there are some tweets – they might need some of my Dad’s black magic medicine. It also could be the start of a frog season!
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office Weather forecasts.