Dalgety Bay Weather: 22nd March 2019
For the early birds here’s the weather for Friday
With a high of 12°C and a low of 3°C.Coastal Gales max speed 37 mph. Cloudy for most of the day. It will be Light Rain from noon to 3:55 pm. 85% risk of heavy rain from 1:55 pm for an hour or two. Sunny intervals from 4:55 pm until the close of play.
With a high of 12°C and a low of 3°C.Coastal Gales max speed 37 mph. Cloudy for most of the day. It will be Light Rain from noon to 3:55 pm. 85% risk of heavy rain from 1:55 pm for an hour or two. Sunny intervals from 4:55 pm until the close of play.
Wind: South, South West, West South Westerly,
Speed: 7-11-10-20-18-21-19-18-19-18-17-16-17-16 mph
Gusts: 12-36-33-36-34-36-32-33-30 mph
Risks: Windy with coastal gales for most of the day and overnight.
That is it from me and have a fantastic Friday.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office Forecasts.