Dalgety Bay Weather: 13th March 2019
Here’s the weather for Wednesday
With a high of 11°C and a low of 3°C.
Sun in all its glory until 12:55 pm. Sunny intervals until 5 pm. Cloudy until midnight. Light rain from mid-evening until 11:55 pm.
Wind direction: West North Westerly, Westerly, West South Westerly,
Wind Speed: 16-24-17-15-22 mph
Wind Gusts: 30-41-35-32-27-39 mph
Risks: Of heavy surprise showers and hail today. Heavy showers overnight with the temperature dropping to 3°C.
That is it from me. Have a wonderful and wise Wednesday. Hoping you don’t get too wet. Birds are singing. It is though Gareth has given the local birds singing lessons. No. Not the storm! But the choirmaster Gareth Malone!
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office reports