Dalgety Bay Weather: 27th February 2019
Here’s the weather for Wednesday
With a high of 14°C and a low of 2°C.
With a high of 14°C and a low of 2°C.
A bit of light frost on windscreens this morning and a beautiful red sunrise.
Sunshine in all its glory for most of the day.
Wind: Westerly, West North Westerly, Westerly, West North Westerly, North North Westerly.
Speed: 3-12-11-9-5 mph. Gusts: 14-21-20-19-7 mph
Risks: Mist and fog overnight and perhaps some drizzle.
That is it from me and have a wonderful Wednesday. Birds ? are singing, I think it might have been ‘An ode to Brexit’
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT, Met Office and BBC forecasts,