Dalgety Bay Weather: 25th February 2019
Some mist and fog in parts near the coast from now until 9:55 am but mostly Cloudy. Followed by the sun and sunny intervals for an hour or two. There is an Easterly wind for most of the day, and therefore there is a risk of planes overhead from Edinburgh Airport.
Wind: East North Easterly, Easterly, East North Easterly. Westerly returns about 9:55 am, South South Westerly, Westerly, South Westerly, Southerly, Easterly from 2:55 pm, East North Easterly, East South Easterly, Westerly, Westerly South Westerly, Westerly.
Speed: 3-2-3-2-5-3-7 mph. Gusts: 7-5-10-5-7-24 mph
Risks: Mist and fog near the coast. Surprise rainfall this morning.
That is it from me, have a magical Monday and the birds are singing and enjoying the sunrise.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office Forecasts.