Dalgety Bay Weather: Our editorial team wish all our readers a healthy and wealthy 2019 on New Year’s Day
Temperature: A high of 6°C and a low of -3°C.
It is going to be Sunny and sunny intervals most of the day with some cloud after mid-morning and before lunch. That is cloud from about 9:45 am to 11:01 am and 12:03 pm to 12:57 pm
Wind: Northerly, North North Westerly and North Westerly all day. Gusts: 15-17-13-15-19-11-13-12-14-10 mph . Speed: 4-6-5-8-10-4-5-7 mph
Risks: Random surprise wintry showers during the day and frost overnight
That is it from me and let us all hope and pray that 2019 is a year of sunshine in our lives and sufficient rain to water our crops. On that thought, the birds are singing. Perhaps they have heard some good news about Brexit!
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office Forecasts.